The computer Keyboard
happily follows what we Instruct..
Today the same Keyboard is trying to express it's inner voice for its user through it's Keys.
One can incorporate this in his or her life and can lead successful life.
One Key One Message...
Dear User following is the List of Keys with your Duties to be accomplished without fail..
Q Queue
Please follow the Queue to execute processes smoothly.
W Winning and Loosing is part of life
Yes, exactly it's very True. The way you Press n Release Keys with different frequency, Winning and Loosing is the part and parcel of Life. Accept it equally.
E Ego
Ego is the most common reason for many problems. Leave it, Transform your ego to E-go.
R Respect
Give Respect and Earn Respect. Don't rate person based on their external appearance.
T Team (Together Everyone Achieves More)
The way, we Alphanumeric keys with the support of Special and Control Keys work together, you to be the key player in team and achive more.
Y Yoga
“yoga” is attached only to a complete path which leads to self-realization. Do Yoga Be Healthy.
U Update to Survive
Survival of the Fittest. Yes it's Very True. To survive in the changing world one should update self.
I Innovative
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." Be innovative in all the aspects and come out as a leader.
O Opportunity Utilizing
Opportunity knocks only once. You never know if you will get another opportunity.
P Planning
Well beginning is half done. If Planning is systematic then
A Attitude
Attitude decides the Altitude of a Person. Hence change your attitude, think positive.
S Social
Sharing is Caring, Serve the Society without expectations.
D Duty
Do your duty sincerely. This sincerity helps you balloon your career, to get dreams fulfilled.
F Failure is the stepping stone to success
Don't be disheartened if you fail. Think it's a Opportunity to retry and fine-tune the strategy.
G God
God is everywhere, believe this superpower and go ahead in Life.
H Humanity
HUMANity is the true Religion.
J Joyful at Workplace
"All work no play makes jack a dull boy". Be joyfilled at workplace. Keep Smiling.
K Kind
Be kind to people. You are blessed with God given intelligence. Live and Let Live.
L Learner
Be a Learner Always. Idle mind is Devil's Workshop. Hence keep doing things.
Learning is a never ending process. So love Learning.
Z Zero
Zero to Hero. You might be Zero today. Keep your ambition and efforts active.
X eXperience Value
Nothing in this world can replace the eXperience. Hence value eXperience of Living being.
C Confidence is the Key to Success.
Be confident and win the world.
V Verify before Deciding.
Most decisions once taken can't be reverted back. And outcome of the Decision might cost higher. Hence
Before taking any decision one should think twice and verify.
B Believe in Yourself
Self belief leads to success. It balloons quality in our work.
N Near. Value people who are near you
Usually this has become integral part of the system. Respecting, prioritizing people around the world and disrespecting degrading people of own. So just flip flop it.
M Meditation
When u restart me, I feel fresh trashing all bad sectors. Same you can incorporate by refreshing you through meditation. I am sure u will follow my words.
You can't undo(ctrl+z) and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.
Life isn't fair.. But that's okay..! Do the best with what you have got and fight a good fight, you will have a great life regardless of what exception it throws at you..
Article by:
Mr.Shrinath Shridhar Pai
Bhatkal - 581320.
Mob: 9342189755
Be kind to people. You are blessed with God given intelligence. Live and Let Live.
L Learner
Be a Learner Always. Idle mind is Devil's Workshop. Hence keep doing things.
Learning is a never ending process. So love Learning.
Z Zero
Zero to Hero. You might be Zero today. Keep your ambition and efforts active.
X eXperience Value
Nothing in this world can replace the eXperience. Hence value eXperience of Living being.
C Confidence is the Key to Success.
Be confident and win the world.
V Verify before Deciding.
Most decisions once taken can't be reverted back. And outcome of the Decision might cost higher. Hence
Before taking any decision one should think twice and verify.
B Believe in Yourself
Self belief leads to success. It balloons quality in our work.
N Near. Value people who are near you
Usually this has become integral part of the system. Respecting, prioritizing people around the world and disrespecting degrading people of own. So just flip flop it.
M Meditation
When u restart me, I feel fresh trashing all bad sectors. Same you can incorporate by refreshing you through meditation. I am sure u will follow my words.
You can't undo(ctrl+z) and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.
Life isn't fair.. But that's okay..! Do the best with what you have got and fight a good fight, you will have a great life regardless of what exception it throws at you..
Article by:
Mr.Shrinath Shridhar Pai
Bhatkal - 581320.
Mob: 9342189755